Richard Goodpasture, Owner
As a former D1 scholarship football player for Wake Forest University, a 17 year veteran coach for Salem High School Football, and training clients one-on-one...Richard Goodpasture focuses on the benefits and success of discipline.
His philosophy is: Discipline IS power. And having access to self-discipline is a gift. It is the power of discipline that can mold us and make us who we are.
Richard Goodpasture, Co-Owner of Fit Studio VA with his wife, Robyn Goodpasture. For the past 11 years, Richard and Robyn have been developing their training and business practices based on the principle that we can use the platform of our “physical bodies” to engage our mind, body, and spirit.
Because, the health of our physical body is a gateway to the mental and emotional and health, the practice of physical fitness exercises our total body. We focus on what it is that our heart is saying as much what our minds are saying.
We are capable of bypassing the false limitations and message that can invade our minds. Also, it is about unleashing our mental/emotional and spiritual bodies into what we are created to be through the platform of physical exercise: taking our physical bodies to places that we may not believe we can go, doing things that our mind tells us not to do, and believing in our physical gifts when our mind says that we don’t have them. When we access the power that discipline has to offer we can see, do, and be more than we have ever thought.