We can’t wait to see you in the studio! In the meantime, here is some info folks like you find helpful as they are exploring Fit Studio or have just started a membership.
What we need from you…
This is simple, we need you to show up! We can’t wait to see you at workouts and improve our health and fitness together!
Consistency is key…try to get in workouts 3 days/week. If less, then make at least make it consistent.
Make use of the nutritional guidance you get from our trainers (Meal Plans, etc.).
Be positive…you are embarking on a journey of unlimited potential!
Be happy…Fit Studio is a happy place filled with positivity, encouragement, and community.
Get healthy, get fit, get strong, and lose weight. All of this comes from starting at the beginning…show up…not for us, but for yourself!
A few things to remember…
Reserve your sessions! It’s awesome for our coaches to know who and how many are going to be there. It helps plan and prepare. If you reserve and it puts you on the waiting list…show up and be ready!
Be on prompt and on time: Your time is important to us so sessions start on time and end on time. Warm-ups and demonstrations are part of the workout, too. If you miss these key steps, you can put yourself and others at risk. If you are unable to make the warm-up and demo…kindly wait for the next session to start and join when you can participate fully. Safety is a priority!
Please wear clean shoes: Have a pair or workout shoes that you don’t wear on outside surfaces. No one knows what they’ve stepped in while mowing the grass. So, it is not a good idea to wear those shoes in the workout with bodies and faces laying where dirty shoes step. Just sayin’… The key is to wear a pair of shoes into the gym and then change into your workout shoes for the workout!!! Thanks!
Bring your water bottle!
Be positive and happy! We’ve already said it…
OUR SCHEDULE…We’ve got lots of options!
You can also find the SCHEDULE on this website (in the top bar, click “schedule”), the Xplor Triib App, or the Member Connect Page.
Xplor Triib App - Login and it should show the days sessions.
Xplor Triib website - https://studio.xplor.co/login/
Waivers and Agreements
Just make sure you sign when you come in for your first session.
(540) 400-7879
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/FitStudioVA/